The Bible – We believe the Bible is the complete Word of God to humans and it is inspired by God and without error.
Jesus Christ – We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin, He lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected on the third day. When we recognize that we are not good enough to meet God’s standard of holiness and we turn from the wrong (sin) in our lives that offends our holy God and ask Him to forgive us, He will forgive all our wrongs(sin) and reserve a place in Heaven for us.
The Church – The church is not the building; it is the people that meet in the building. The word for church, as it is used in the Bible is “a called-out assembly.” We believe the church is comprised of regenerated (saved) people who have repented of their sins and who have given their life to Jesus by faith. These same believes have been scripturally baptized by total immersion and have joined themselves to a local group of believers the Word of God calls the church.
Ordinances – We believe Jesus is the Head of the church and He gave the church only two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Both are symbolic and neither has any redemptive power. Baptism is by total immersion after a person has repented of their sin and given their life to Christ by faith. Only these believers can be a member of this church with voting privileges. The Lord’s supper (communion) is symbolic of the death of Jesus Christ. He gave it to the church to remember His death until He comes again to take us home to Heaven.
Missions – It is our desire to be a church that reaches beyond the walls of the church building. We desire to be the hands, feet, mouth, eyes, and ears of Jesus. We desire to be a kingdom-minded church that does everything in such a way that only Jesus gets the honor, glory, and credit.
What God expects of believers who join this church – Jesus gave His life so we could be forgiven and go to Heaven one day. He leaves us on this earth to tell others about Him and His love. He expects us to support the ministry of the Church prayerfully, financially, and faithfully. We should also be faithful in our attendance at services and serve the Lord through the various ministries of the church.